Asthma Friendly Schools

Timer for 5 minutes

Get one member of staff to REGISTER for training

Clock. 30 minutes

Get all members of staff to REGISTER for training

One Hour Sign

Organise a 1 hour session to go through training as a group

Timer for 5 minutes

Download a draft version of the Asthma Policy

Clock. 30 minutes

Ask a colleague to look at the draft & fill out what they can

One Hour Sign

Share the edited version for comments & publish it

Timer for 5 minutes

Open up a word document entitled ‘Asthma Register’

Clock. 30 minutes

Share with all class teachers and ask them to add names of pupils

One Hour Sign

Publish final version and display in the Staff Room

Timer for 5 minutes

Download a generic Asthma Action Plan

Clock. 30 minutes

Print off a copy for each classroom and area

One Hour Sign

Laminate and distribute to areas where they are clearly visible

Timer for 5 minutes

Identify the best area/s for inhalers to be stored in each classroom

Clock. 30 minutes

Source matrerials i.e. bags/labels/pupil photo to store inalers

One Hour Sign

Distribute and ask all teachers to have in place by a deadline

Timer for 5 minutes

Find out what is in place currently i.e. a spreadsheet?

Clock. 30 minutes

Setup a spreadsheet with name/inaler/expiration date

One Hour Sign

Setup Email/text alert system 2 weeks before expiration date.

Timer for 5 minutes

Download consent form and check current inhalers are in date

Clock. 30 minutes

Send out consent form to everybody on the Asthma Register

One Hour Sign

Chase up any parents who have not signed the consent form

Timer for 5 minutes

If not done already, download a generic Asthma Action Plan

Clock. 30 minutes

Email all staff to alert them to the Plans and esclation procedure

One Hour Sign

Assign member of staff to go round to check all Plans are in place